Prambanan Temple Tour

Prambanan Temple is an attractive tourist destination in Java. Indonesia has many cultural heritage sites, the most famous of which are 2 large temples, namely Prambanan Temple and Borobudur Temple which are located in Yogyakarta. Many local and foreign tourists visit this Prambanan Temple to enjoy historical and cultural heritage.

Prambanan Temple is a historic building that has become one of the tourist icons in Central Java and Yogyakarta. The location is in Karangasem Village, Bokoharjo District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. Administratively, Prambanan Temple is located on the border of Klaten Regency, Central Java and Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. The location of Prambanan Temple is quite strategic because it is on the main road that connects Yogyakarta-Solo.

According to the website of the Yogyakarta Special Region Cultural Heritage Preservation Center website, Prambanan Temple is the largest Hindu-style temple in Indonesia. In fact, this temple has been designated as a World Cultural Heritage (world heritage) by UNESCO.

This temple building is dedicated to Trimurti or the three main Hindu gods, namely Brahma (the creator god), Vishnu (the preserver god), and Shiva (the destroyer god). In this temple complex there is a statue of Shiva Mahadewa as high as three meters, which shows that Lord Shiva is preferred. Along with Borobudur Temple, this temple from the Ancient Mataram Kingdom was also named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1991.

The restoration of Prambanan Temple took a very long time, as if it had never been completed. The rediscovery of the ruins of the largest building, namely the Shiva Temple, was reported by C.A. Lons in 1733. The first excavations and records were carried out under the supervision of Groneman. Excavations were completed in 1885, including clearing shrubs and grouping the stones of the temple ruins.

If you are interested in visiting the Prambanan Temple tour, we can provide a car and driver complete with a guide that guides you in enjoying the tour.

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